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Do you accept cash on delivery?Sorry, at the moment we only accept online payments.
Could I change the address of delivery?Please call us or email us.
Could I pre-order out-of-stock items?We do not provide pre-order service for out-of-stock items.
Could I amend my order?Please contact us directly at +852 2555 2020 or via email at for any order changes.
Could I change the delivery date?Please contact us directly at +852 2555 2020 or via email at for any order changes.
How can I book for the delivery date and time?You may put down specific delivery date and time in the form during your payment.
Is there any minimum spending?We do not have minimum spending for purchase.
Is there any free delivery?We provide free delivery for purchase amount exceeding HKD$2000.
Do you ship internationally?Sadly, no. We are based in Hong Kong and cannot ship out of the country just yet. Delivery areas include: - Hong Kong Island - Kowloon - New Territories To check if we deliver to you, please contact us directly at +852 2555 2020 or email at
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